GSO Test

School Results - Pupil Outcomes and Achievement

We strive to support our pupils in achieving the highest possible standards. A school's performance is measured by overall achievement of its pupils. Achievement is a combination of both pupils' attainment (in relation to age-related expectations) and progress (how far they move from their personal starting point).

We are proud of the standards that pupils at Immanuel and St Andrew achieve. By the end of Year 6 (end of Key Stage 2) the attainment of our children, and their progress, are consistently above national average values and pupils, typically, make very good relative progress. The results below show the percentages of children reaching the expected level of achievement for their year group. The green boxes show where our performance is above the national standard for 2022. 

EYFS (Reception)

2023 National  2023 School 
Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD)




Phonics Screening Check (Year 1)

Year 1 pupils sat the phonics screening check in June.  Those pupils who did not achieve the standard will receive targeted support and re-sit the check next year.

2023 National  2023 School 
Pupils achieving the expected standard  79% 76%


End of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)

Pupil attainment is recorded in relation to the ‘expected standard’ for the end of Key Stage 1 (introduced in 2016). Pupils sit tests in Reading, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling) and Maths; these tests produce a ‘scaled score’ (with 100 representing the ‘expected standard’) and are used to inform the Teacher Assessment judgement made for each pupil in Reading, Writing and Maths. 

Pupils achieving the expected standard Pupils achieving the greater depth standard
2023 Reading(National) 68% 29%
2023 Reading (School) 71% 39%
2023 Writing (National) 60% 13%
2023 Writing (School) 69% 16%
2023 Maths (National) 70% 24%
2023 Maths (School) 81% 27%

End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)

Pupil attainment is recorded in relation to the new ‘expected standard’ for the end of Key Stage 2 (introduced in 2016).

Pupil attainment is recorded in relation to the new ‘expected standard’ for the end of Key Stage 2 (introduced in 2016). Pupils sit tests in Reading, GPS (Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling) and Maths. Pupils’ writing attainment is based upon Teacher Assessment and pupils are required to meet all the assessment criteria in order to be judged as meeting the standard. A higher standard ‘greater depth’ assessment can be awarded in writing. 


Pupils achieving the expected standard Pupils achieving a high standard (R and M), achieving greater depth standard (W) 
2023 Reading(National) 73% 29%
2023 Reading (School) 72% 31%
2023 Writing (National) 72% 13%
2023 Writing (School)  74% 27%
2023 Maths (National)  73% 24%
2023 Maths (School)  81% 22%