Governor Information
Welcome to the Governors' section.
The role of the GovernorsGovernors are the school’s critical friends.
We work closely with the Headteacher and the staff, providing support and challenge to ensure the best possible education for every child in our school.
We have three key roles:
1. Setting a clear vision and ethos for the school and providing strategic direction;
2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the
school, the attainment of our pupils, and the performance management of our staff; and,
3. Overseeing the school’s financial arrangements and making sure its money is well spent.
We are also responsible for the wide range of policies every school must have. Our own behaviour is governed by a Code of Conduct, which you can find at the bottom of the page.
We meet as a Full Governing Body four times per year. You are welcome to view the minutes of our recent meetings, which are available in the school office.
CommitteesWe work through a system of committees, which meet regularly and report back to Full Governing Body meetings.
These committees include:
Admission Committee which meets to consider applications for admission to the school and to review and update the school’s admission policy and procedures.
Curriculum and Standards Committee which reviews the quality of teaching and assessment, tracks and sets targets for attainment across the school, and ensures that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum. The Committee also reviews the school’s work, and use of external funding (including Pupil Premium funding), to meet the needs of disadvantaged pupils, the most able, lower-attaining pupils, and those with Special Educational Needs
Resources Committee which ensures that the school’s finances and resources are managed effectively in line with the school’s priorities, and reviews the school’s budget and financial procedures and controls. This committee also deals with staff appointments, pay and professional development and addresses any personnel issues.
Faith Group which ensures that the Christian distinctiveness of the school is maintained and enhanced.
A Safeguarding Link Governor visits the school each term (Autumn, Spring, Summer).
Governors occasionally visit individually. During the school year we also organise Governors’ Learning Visits (often called a Governor Walk), where a group of governors visit the school together and focus our attention on a particular issue, such as behaviour or assessment.
We also stay current by accessing information, advice and training on issues we feel we need to know more about. Some of our members also attend meetings for local governors held by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education or the Local Authority (Lambeth), which help us keep informed and learn what governors in other schools are doing.
The structure of the Governing BodyOur Governing Body is made up of a total of 16 governors:
The Headteacher
3 Parent Governors, who are elected by parents of registered pupils and who must be parents or carers at the time of election. Parent governors do not have to leave if their child leaves during their term of office, but they can if they wish to.
1 Local Authority Governor, who is nominated by the Local Authority (Lambeth).
1 Staff Governor, who is elected by the staff employed to work at the school, both teaching and non-teaching. If they leave the school, a staff governor cannot remain on the governing body.
1 Co-opted Governor who is appointed by the Governing Body.
9 Foundation Governors:
2 appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE),
6 appointed by the Parochial Church Council of Immanuel and St Andrew Church, and,
The Incumbent Vicar of Immanuel and St Andrew Church.
The Governing Body may also co-opt Associate Members to support the Governor Body with particular skills. Associate Members do not have voting rights in full Governing Body meetings.
You can view our Instrument of Government at the bottom of the page.
Becoming a GovernorThere are many ways to become a Governor or Associate Member – just ask the Headteacher or contact one of us in person or via the school office.
Annual Governance 2023-2024
Committee Membership 2024-2025
Governor Biographies 2024-2025
Committees Terms of Reference 2024
Dates of Appointment September 2024
Governors Code of Conduct 2024-2025
Instrument of Governance
Information for New and Prospective Governors
Governors Attendance Record 2023-24
Minutes of Meetings
If you would like to see minutes of meetings, please send an email to